Pump types & load curves
Pumps can be classified by their method of the fluid displacement. Two overviews of pump types is presented in Fig. 1 and 4 (at the bottom of this page), though there are many alternative overviews and classifications.
Fig.1. Pump classification.1
There are two basic types of pumps: positive displacement and centrifugal (rotodynamic). Load curves (torque-speed characteristics) of these two types of pumps are different:
- Centrifugal pumps have quadratic load curve (Fig.2)
- Positive displacement pumps have constant load curve (Fig.3)
Fig.2. QT curve.
Fig.3. CT curve.
Quadratic loads are often approximately represented by assuming that the torque required is proportional to the square of the speed, giving rise to the terms square-law load.
Fig.4. Pump types with illustrations.2
1 (Source of the classification) 2 (Source of the classification)