SYS-4. System design

Choose optimal drive train (mechanical and electrical system) for a pump in water supply system.


  • Rated flow 50 l/s, head 200 m, pump efficiency 81%
  • Grid voltage 690 V
  • Conditions in the electric room
  • Cable 50 m
  • Heat removal capabilities
  • Distance from the electric room to the pump (cable length) - 50 m
  • Conditions at the place of the pump installation
  • Pump's mechanical configuration (vertical/horizontal shaft)

Make and present three design variants:

  • 1st variant: design for lowest cost.
  • 2nd variant: design for highest efficiency (lowest energy consumption).
  • 3rd variant: design for highest efficiency with budget constraints on the investment in the new drive system of 31000 Euro.

Present benchmarking results as a spider diagram. Compare the system on the primary and the secondary criteria.

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