EM-1. Voltage level and insulation

Investigate influence of the rated voltage level on size and cost of the electric motors by working with the system consisting of a motor and a frequency converter. Take PUMP as the application and design the drive systems for the four sets of pump parameters:

  1. head 200 m, flow 85 l/s, efficiency 85%, rated speed 2950 rpm;
  2. head 200 m, flow 145 l/s, efficiency 85%, rated speed 2950 rpm;
  3. head 200 m, flow 200 l/s, efficiency 85%, rated speed 2950 rpm.

Set motor type to SCIM, cooling to IC411, efficiency class to IE3, protection to IP21. Design the drive system so that machine and converter voltage is around 400 V, then 690 V, then 3300 V and, finally, 6000 V.

  • [!] Make sure you keep machine type, efficiency class, cooling, protection class and other parameters except voltage and power the same for all the cases above. Include these parameters in your report.

Record power, weight and cost of motors for the three pumps above and for the four voltages. Present the results as a chart or a table, draw conclusions.

Can you explain the results/conclusions as the electric machines designer, in terms of winding design (insulation, cooling)?

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