P-5. Design for constrained space
Fig.1. Example of a container.
Design the container (put equipment into container of a given size). Design the drive system and place its parts so that the configuration fits the heat removal capacity of the containers. The centrifugal pump should be in a separate compartment connected with the shaft to the motor which is in the compartment next to the pump (shaft goes through the wall).
Given container size: H x L x W = 3 x 7 x 2 m. Note that the pump will occupy 1 m of the container length.
Try several variants with heat dissipation/removal capacity (in kW) (ventilation/air-conditioning):
- 30 kW (cost 5000 Euro),
- 50 kW (cost 10000 Euro),
- 70 kW (cost 15000 Euro).
Consider using heat exchanger (air-to-water) to arrange water cooling of the equipment inside the container.
Size of the heat exchanger: 0.6 x 1 m (footprint). Height is 2 m. Cost 20000 Euro.
Size of the switchgear, which should be placed in the container is 0.6 x 1 m (footprint). Height is 2 m. Cost 10000 Euro.
Given parameters:
- Rated flow 250 l/s, head 200 m, pump efficiency 81%, speed 1450 rpm
- Voltage supplied to the container – 6000 V
Fig.2. Variants of placing the equipment.