FC-1. 2Q vs 4Q solutions

Design and compare drive trains for the two applications; a pump and a wind turbine.


Drive train with just FC.

Set parameters:

  • Rated flow 60 l/s, head 200 m, efficiency 81%, speed 600 rpm
  • Grid voltage – 6000 V
  • Clean electric room for the FC with abundant heat removal capabilities
  • Distance from the electric room to the pump - 30 m

Wind turbine

Drive train with gearbox, FC and transformer.

Set parameters:

  • Blades rated speed 20 rpm, overspeed 1,2, torque 60 kNm, 2-stage gearbox with ratio 1:30
  • Grid voltage – 6000 V
  • Clean nacelle where the FC is installed with abundant heat removal capabilities

Use the same machine type (SCIM) in both cases and keep the same: air cooling, electric machine voltage around 690 V

Compare: size, weight, cost, efficiency of the FC and THD of the two cases. Draw conclusions.

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