FC-4. Derating for altitude and temperature

You have three requests which look identical from Madrid, Mexico and El Alto. In each of the request they need frequency converter to drive 45 kW induction motor driving a pump (centrifugal pump with head 60 m, flow 50 l/s, efficiency 83% and rated speed of 950 rpm). The motor is drawing current of 40 A at a voltage of 400 V. Distance between the pump and the FC is 30 m. Other conditions are specified as well. Make offers for Madrid/Mexico/El Alto. Propose more than one alternative if needed. Include only FC into the offers.

Madrid, Spain, 667 m above sea level

Mexico, Mexico, 2240 m above sea level

El Alto, Bolivia, 4150 m above sea level

Additional question: Can we compensate high altitude with lower temperature of the coolant?

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