P-1. Design for different pump types

Design drive system for the four pumps of the same power but of different types and with different starting conditions

  • Pump 1- centrifugal
  • Pump 2 – positive displacement (breakaway torque (“BT”) = 100%)
  • Pump 3 – centrifugal (BT = 100%)
  • Pump 4 - positive displacement (BT = 200%)

Given parameters:

  • Rated flow 50 l/s, head 50 m, efficiency 81%, speed 950 rpm
  • Grid voltage – 400 V
  • Clean electric room for FC with abundant heat removal capabilities
  • Distance from the electric room to the pump - 30 m
  • Conditions at the place of the pump installation - wet
  • Pump's mechanical configuration – horizontal

Design for lowest cost. 1st try only SCIM, then other types. Make conclusion how CT/QT and BT value affects the choice.

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